Please, read everything carefully to make your preferred choice of type and menu.
A kit contains one main carton + sleeve, two 1st Halves and two 2nd Halves. Included are all the necessary packagings, wrappers and extras to reproduce a 10-in-1 Ration. Just like the K Rations all the small cartons, labels and wrappers are shipped flat. No cans are included.
All kits are €300 regardless of which type.
Approximate shipping prices for one kit to:
US: €88
UK: €33
EU: €25, other European countries may be more.
The correct shipping fee will be determined when I know to which country it goes.

This is how you receive your 10-in-1 Ration kit. Menu #3 from the 2nd generation is displayed here for example. Note the stamped menu number.

This is what the components (of one 1st Half and one 2nd Half) looks like when assembled.
First decide which menu you want to do and from which generation, then choose the corresponding boxes from the contractor you like. When in doubt, contact me and ask!
Although produced from August 1943 until the end of the war, there are plenty variations.
First off, there were five menus. The composition of these menus underwent three main changes resulting in what I call the three generations. My reproductions only concern the 1st and 2nd generations.
Secondly, the design of the labels on the boxes changed during the 1st generation and this results in the Type 1 boxes (without menu number) and Type 2 boxes (with menu number). There are slight variations of the label designs.
I reproduced all four major contractors: American Chicle Company, General Foods Corporation, Wm Wrigley Jr. Company, and Jewel Tea Company Inc.
After packing all soft items in the Arsenal box, this box is sealed and wax coated. Finally the Arsenal box is placed in the corrugated 1st Half carton for protection.

The “soft” packagings that go into the 1st Half of Menu #4 (2nd generation).
All the cans, soap, and paper towels are packed in the 2nd Half. The cans are separated with pieces of corrugated cardboard for padding (not included).

The cans, paper towels and soap that go into the 2nd Half of Menu #4 (2nd generation).
Click the links below to open a new window to view the different sets.