The first generation can be distinguished by the lack of sugar for the coffee, and the fruit drinks with the suppers in the last three menus.
For simplicity I have included the biscuit boxes with the large red label in the photos. Scroll all the way down to see what options are offered on some of the packagings.
A 20-ounce can of vegetables is shown in the photos. Included in each kit is one label for a 20-ounce size can, which is hard to find nowadays, and as an alternative, two labels for the more readily available 15-ounce cans that you can find today.
No cans are included, only the labels shown on the cans.
The contents Partial Dinner Units can be seen here
In addition to what is shown you need to find alternative canned items for the K Ration cans, preserved butter, jam, bacon, ham & eggs, bacon & eggs, dehydrated Corned Beef Hash, and English Style Stew.
Menu #1a
Missing here is the Dehydrated Baked Beans box and the (label for the) can of Pineapple-Rice Pudding. Since I have no good examples of these items I can not correctly reproduce them. I hope to be able in to offer those items in the future too. For now you have to improvise. Sorry.
Set up here are the components of one 1st Half and one 2nd Half. You will get two of these sets with the 10-in-1 Ration kit.
Menu #2a
Set up here are the components of one 1st Half and one 2nd Half. You will get two of these sets with the 10-in-1 Ration kit.
Menu #3a
The 1/2-pound carton of sugar provided is to sweeten the orange drink, not for in the coffee. Crazy, I know.
Set up here are the components of one 1st Half and one 2nd Half. You will get two of these sets with the 10-in-1 Ration kit.
Menu #4a
The 1/2-pound carton of sugar provided is to sweeten the lemon drink, not the coffee.
The Red Seal label for the Roast Beef isn’t 100% original. It is based on a black & white photo of an original, modern label and a bit of fantasy.
Set up here are the components of one 1st Half and one 2nd Half. You will get two of these sets with the 10-in-1 Ration kit.
Menu #5a
Only one envelope with Grape juice powder is included in the 1st Half. One such package contained 15 grams of powder, enough to fill five canteen cups 1/2 full of grape drink. Eight ounces of sugar is provided to sweeten this grape drink. Again, no suger is provided for the coffee.
Set up here are the components of one 1st Half and one 2nd Half. You will get two of these sets with the 10-in-1 Ration kit.
The second generation can be easily distinguished by the addition of a 6-oz. carton of granulated sugar for the coffee, and a cocoa beverage with the suppers in menus #1, #3, and #5.
For simplicity I have included the biscuit boxes with the blue labels in the photos. Scroll all the way down to see what options are offered on some of the packagings.
A 20-ounce can of vegetables is shown in the photos. Included in each kit is one label for a 20-ounce size can, which is hard to find nowadays, and as an alternative, two labels for the more readily available 15-ounce cans that you can find today.
No cans are included, only the labels shown on the cans.
During the production of the second generation camouflage coated cans were gradually introduced when they became available.
In addition to what is shown you need to find alternative canned items for the K Ration cans, preserved butter, jam, bacon, peanuts, ham & eggs, bacon & eggs, dehydrated Corned Beef Hash, dehydrated Meat & Rice, and English Style Stew.
Menu #1b
Set up here are the components of one 1st Half and one 2nd Half. You will get two of these sets with the 10-in-1 Ration kit.
Menu #2b
Don't forget to cut two cellulose sponges that comes with this menu #2. Include one in each 2nd Half. (scroll down to the bottom for more information.)
Set up here are the components of one 1st Half and one 2nd Half. You will get two of these sets with the 10-in-1 Ration kit.
Menu #3b
Set up here are the components of one 1st Half and one 2nd Half. You will get two of these sets with the 10-in-1 Ration kit.
Menu #4b
The Red Seal label for the Roast Beef isn’t 100% original. It is based on a black & white photo of an original, modern label and a bit of fantasy.
Set up here are the components of one 1st Half and one 2nd Half. You will get two of these sets with the 10-in-1 Ration kit.
Menu #4b Deluxe
This composition of menu #4 is typical for the later production during the summer (July - August) of 1944. The hard candy is replaced with nougat caramel bars and the cigarette cartons are of the Lucky Strike brand. Although the labels for the cans as shown are included, camouflage coated cans are more correct for this version. Only the General Foods Corp. Type 2 boxes can be used with this set.
The Red Seal label for the Roast Beef isn’t 100% original. It is based on a black & white photo of an original, modern label and a bit of artistic freedom.
Set up here are the components of one 1st Half and one 2nd Half. You will get two of these sets with the 10-in-1 Ration kit.
Menu #5b
Set up here are the components of one 1st Half and one 2nd Half. You will get two of these sets with the 10-in-1 Ration kit.
Choices, choices, choices…
There are some choices available:
- Red print on top or blue print on front and back of the biscuit boxes.

- Round or square Halazone bottles.

- The Fruit bar can be packaged tray-style (left) or in a carton (right).

- 1st generation Cereals: Pillsbury Mills Soy cereal (left) or General Mills (right).

The General Mills box is wax coated
- 2nd generation Cereal: General Mills (left) or Pillsbury Mills cereal (right)

The General Mills box is wax coated
- Cocoa beverage: Chocolate Product Co. (left) or Hershey’s (right).

- 6-oz. Domino or Jack Frost sugar boxes (2nd generation only).

- Chesterfield or Old Gold cigarettes. (All of one brand or a mix.) If you go for a later production (July or August) you can chose the Lucky Strike cigarettes, or a mix of all three brands.
Included are sticker sheets with tax labels.

- 1st generation Matchbooks: with “MATCHES” print or blank.

- 2nd generation Matchbooks: with warning against malaria, small text or large text.

Only in menu #2 it was considered that there was enough room to include a sponge in each 2nd Half.
The size of the sponge is 1 x 2 x 3 inch. These can be cut from modern viscose sponges.