Reproduced below are some lists of the B-units contents as it progressed during the war.
The contents of the "No. 2 unit" as of 1939 when it was first standardized. These are the 15-ounce cans. All three B-units are the same.
- 9 Biscuits (4.5 oz.)
- Sugar (0.5 oz.) [3 sugar tablets]
- Soluble coffee (0.3 oz.) [Aluminum envelope.]

Testing the new Field Ration Type C.
It is obvious in this photo that the pre-war 15-ounce cans contain too much food. Note the amount of biscuits and that the canteen cup is filled to the brim with strong coffee.

In December 1940 the amount was reduced and the 12-ounce cans were used from now on. A confection was added. Again, all three B-units are the same.
- 5 Biscuits (2.5 oz.)
- 3 Sugar tablets (0.6 oz.) [labeled as 0.5 oz. on the can]
- Soluble coffee (0.25 oz) [Slip-type can sealed with tape.]
- Chocolate fudge (1 oz.)
In August of 1941 the chocolate fudge was substituted for hard candy, in September the use of caramel candies (Bunte type) were included, but discontinued after three months due to keeping problems. From December the plug-type can for the coffee was used, containing 0.2 ounce of soluble coffee. All three B-units are still the same.
- 5 Biscuits (2.5 oz.)
- 3 Sugar tablets (0.6 oz.) [labeled as 0.5 oz. on the can]
- Soluble coffee product (0.25 or 0.2 oz. depending on the type of packaging used)
- Hard candy, or Caramel candy ( 1 oz. later reduced to 3/5 oz.)

MPs (probably from the 90th Infantry Division) are explaining to an old Norman woman that the cans contain food and mimics how too open the cans with a twist key.
Note the sign indicating the divisional headquarters of the 82nd Airborne Division. Normandy, 1944.
Variety was reached in 1942 when two new beverages were added: a synthetic Lemon juice powder and a soluble Cocoa powder. A new aluminum envelope packaging containing 5 grams (approx. 0.2 oz.) of soluble coffee product was developed.
With the addition of the new beverages the B-units were designated as Breakfast (coffee), Dinner (lemon) and Supper (cocoa).
The weight given in some documents for the amount of sugar is now 1 ounce. Three sugar tablets actually weights 0.6 ounce, four tablets weight 0.8 ounce. The six tablets are listed as 2 ounce, but are actually 1.2 ounce. This is probably a conversion error.
The individual weight of the components is not lithographed on the can anymore.
At some point the number of sugar tablets in the Breakfast unit was increased from three to four tablets. It is unclear when this was done exactly, but this change could be implemented when the cigarettes were deleted and the free space could be used to included one more sugar tablet.
The sugar in the Dinner B-unit may be six tablets, a kraft paper bag containing 1 1/5 ounce granulated sugar, or a cardboard box with 1 1/5 ounce of granulated sugar.

Troopers of the 101st Airborne Division are handing out C Rations to the population of the newly liberated village of Hiesville. Normandy, 1944.
In the spring of 1943 the inclusion of cigarettes was recommended and was acted upon as per March 30, 1943. In the second half of 1943 the change to camouflage coated cans was introduced into the production line.

- 5 Biscuits (2.5 oz.)
- 3 Sugar tablets (0.6 oz.)
- Soluble coffee product ( 5 grams)
- Hard candy (3/5 oz.)
- Cigarettes (one package, 3 each.)
- 5 Biscuits (2.5 oz.)
- 6 Sugar tablets, or 1 Package granulated sugar (1.2 oz.)
- Synthetic lemon juice powder (7 gm.)
- Hard candy (3/5 oz.)
- Cigarettes (one package, 3 each.)
- 5 Biscuits (2.5 oz.)
- Cocoa beverage powder (2.5 oz.)
- Hard candy (3/5 oz.)
In the fall of 1943 the inclusion of cigarettes was discontinued and the hard candies in the breakfast was substituted for a new caramel candy. The photo above shows a C Ration that already has the camouflage coating, and the caramels in the Breakfast unit, but still contain the cigarettes (at least in the Dinner unit apparently: note the soft package of Raleigh cigarettes).
Perhaps around this time, with the deletion of the cigarettes, an extra sugar cube was added to the Breakfast.
The B-units didn't change until June 28, 1944 when new specifications were issued.
A new cookie was recommended at the end of the summer of 1944 as well as a fruit jam or jelly, and candy coated peanuts. The biscuits are now of three different types, one type for each meal.
As of 31 October 1944 specifications two more confections were added and a cereal disc for the breakfast unit replaced one biscuit. By now the B-units are lithographed with bold letters BREAKFAST, DINNER or SUPPER and the M-units have the warning against malaria added to the label.
The photos on the right are from the Menu #1 and are showing the contents of the B-1, B-2, and the B-3 units.

Breakfast, B-1:
- 4 Biscuits (2 oz.)
- 4 Sugar tablets (0.8 oz.)
- Soluble coffee product (5 grams)
- Candy coated peanuts (1.2 oz.)
- Premixed cereal disc (2 oz.)

Dinner, B-2:
- 4 Biscuits (2 oz.)
- Compressed sugar disc (1.66 oz)
- Synthetic lemon juice powder (7 gr.)
- Chocolate or Vanilla fudge disc (2 oz.)
- Butterscotch cookie (0.8 oz.)
Supper, B-3:
- 4 Biscuits (2 oz.)
- Compressed cocoa beverage (2 oz.)
- Caramel candy (1 oz.)
- Canned fruit jam (1.5 oz.)

Breakfast, B-4:
- 4 Biscuits (2 oz.)
- 4 Sugar tablets (0.8 oz.)
- Soluble coffee product (5 gr.)
- Chocolate drops (1.2 oz.)
- Premixed cereal disc (2 oz.)
Dinner, B-5:
- 4 Biscuits (2 oz.)
- Compressed sugar disc (1.66 oz.)
- Synthetic orange juice powder (7 gr.)
- Hard candy (0.6 oz.)
- Butterscotch cookie (0.8 oz)
Supper, B-6:
- 4 Biscuits (2 oz.)
- 4 Sugar tablets (0.8 oz.)
- Soluble coffee product (5 gr.)
- Caramel candy (1 oz.)
- Canned fruit jam (1.5 oz.)
The menus composed of the six B-units and the ten M-units are as follows:
Menu #1
B-1 w/ M-5 Ham, Egg & Potato;
B-2 w/ M-1 Meat & Beans;
B-3 w/ M-11 Chicken & Vegetable;
Accessory Packet
Menu #2
B-4 w/ M-6 Meat & Noodles;
B-5 w/ M-8 Frankfurters & Beans;
B-6 w/ M-7 Pork & Rice;
Accessory Packet
Menu #3
B-4 w/ M-7 Pork & Rice;
B-5 w/ M-4 Meat, Ground & Spaghetti;
B-6 w/ M-3 Meat & Vegetable Stew;
Accessory Packet
Menu #4
B-1 w/ M-9 Pork & Beans;
B-2 w/ M-4 Meat, Ground & Spaghetti;
B-3 w/ M-10 Ham & Lima Beans;
Accessory Packet
Menu #5
B-1 w/ M-6 Meat & Noodles;
B2 w/ M-3 Meat & Vegetable Stew;
B-3 w/ M-5 Ham, Egg & Potato;
Accessory Packet
Menu #6
B-4 w/ M-10 Ham & Lima Beans;
B-5 w/ M-8 Frankfurters & Beans;
B-6 w/ M-11 Chicken & Vegetables;
Accessory Packet
Note that there is no M-2 included since the Meat & Vegetable Hash was discontinued.