For ordering, please send an email to
Specify the type of ration kit you want and amount. Include the country you live in for a shipping estimate. I ship from the Netherlands.
None of the kits contain any foodstuffs, cigarettes or matches.

Just to be clear, these are DIY kits. You will receive all the cartons, wrappers and packagings to reproduce a complete K Ration. The biscuits, can, sugar, candy, matches, cigarettes, toiletpaper, beverage powders, etc. are not included and you need to buy that yourself. Where? Try your local supermarket.
Left: An example of what you will receive. Below: What a complete ration should look like.
The inner cartons are uncoated and should be coated with wax once they are filled and sealed.
The outer and inner boxes and the components are shipped flat together.

1. The Doughboy Mills kit, Type I

The Doughboy Mills kit is the first type of K Ration that went into full production in 1942. The Type I was produced in such large quantities that they were still in stock late in the war and can be seen in photographs as late as the Peleliu campaign (September 1944).
Typical for this early K Ration are the white wrappings for the sugar tablets and the white cartons for the Chesterfield cigarettes. Note that the confections are of the early 3 15/16" long production. The can has not yet its protective cardboard sleeve and no matches or toilet tissue are included.
Although the biscuits, confection and beverage envelopes are packed in a cellophane bag, the sugar tablets were sometimes placed seperately alongside the can instead of being included inside the cellophane bag along with the other components. It was not uncommon to find the chewing gum included in the cellophane bag.
The outer cartons are of the "tuck-in flaps" type. Although they can be carefully opened and reclosed, the flaps are of the locking type and opening will probably damage them. These boxes are designed for using them only once.
One kit only cost €12.
12 kits of this type are only €120.

All the components of the Doughboy Mills kit assembled.
2. The Hills Bros Co. kit, Type II
The Hills Bros. Company kit is of the K Ration type II kind. This type was produced only from Februari 1943 until May/June 1943, but was still in stock and issued until the end of the war (albeit less common). This composition is representive for the early production with the three sugar tablets in each unit.
The outer cartons are of the "tuck-in flaps" type. Although they can be carefully opened and reclosed, the flaps are of the locking type and opening will probably damage them. These boxes are designed for using them only once.
One kit only cost €15.
12 kits of this type are only €150.

All the components of the Hills Bros. kit assembled.
3. Patten Food Products kit, Type IIIa 17 KITS LEFT!
The Patten Food Products kit is of the K Ration type IIIa kind. This type was produced from May/June 1943 until Februari 1944, but was still in stock and issued until the end of the war. This composition is representive for an early production with the Assorted Charms candy in the Dinner unit.
The outer cartons are of the "tuck-in flaps" type. Although they can be carefully opened and reclosed, the flaps are of the locking type and opening will probably damage them. These boxes are designed for using them only once.
There are four extra blank sugar wrappers included. This will give you the choice to use either sugar tablets or a carton of granulated sugar with the Dinner unit.
In one of the units the Spearmint chewing gum can be substituted with a Cinnamon flavor chewing gum.
One kit cost €15.
12 kits of the this type are €150.

All the components of the Patten Food kit assembled.
4. The Cracker Jack Company kit, Type IIIa
The Cracker Jack Company kit is of the K Ration type IIIa kind. This type was produced from May/June 1943 until Februari 1944, but was still in stock and issued until the end of the war. This composition is representive for its entire period.
The outer cartons are of the "seal-end flaps" type. This means that the flaps are glued shut like the inner cartons. These boxes are designed for using them only once.
There are four extra blank sugar wrappers included. This will give you the choice to use either sugar tablets or a carton of granulated sugar with the Dinner unit.
A kraftboard carton for caramels is included if no suitable caramels can be found for the Choclettos tray.
In one of the units the Spearmint chewing gum can be substituted with a Cinnamon flavor chewing gum.
One kit cost €15.
12 kits of the this type are €150.

All the components of the Cracker Jack kit assembled.
5. General Food Corporation kit, Type IIIb
The General Food Corporation kit is of the K Ration type IIIb kind. This type was produced from Februari 1944 until May 1944, but was still in stock and issued until the end of the war. The difference with Type IIIa is the addition of the malaria warning on the side panel. This composition is representive for its entire period.
The outer cartons are of the "tuck-in flaps" type. Although they can be carefully opened and reclosed, the flaps are of the locking type and opening will probably damage them. These boxes are designed for using them only once.
There are four extra blank sugar wrappers included. This will give you the choice to use either sugar tablets or a carton of granulated sugar with the Dinner unit.
A kraftboard carton for caramels is included if no suitable caramels can be found for the Choclettos tray.
In one of the units the Spearmint chewing gum can be substituted with a Cinnamon flavor chewing gum.
One kit only cost €15.
12 kits of the this type are €150.

All the components of the General Food kit assembled.
6. Phillips Packaging Company kit, Type IVa
The Phillips Packaging Company kit is of the K Ration type IVa kind. This type was produced from May 1944 until November 1944, but was still in stock and issued until the end of the war.
The outer cartons are of the "tuck-in flaps" type. Although they can be carefully opened and reclosed, the flaps are of the locking type and opening will probably damage them. These boxes are designed for using them only once.
In one of the units the Spearmint chewing gum can be substituted with a Cinnamon flavor chewing gum.
One kit cost €15.
12 kits of the this type are €150.

All the components of the Phillips Packaging kit assembled.
7. Kellogg Company kit, Type IVa 24 KITS LEFT!
The Kellogg Company kit is of the K Ration type IVa kind. This type was produced from May 1944 until November 1944, but was still in stock and issued until the end of the war.
The outer cartons are of the "seal-end flaps" type. This means that the flaps are glued shut like the inner cartons. These boxes are designed for using them only once.
In one of the units the Spearmint chewing gum can be substituted with a Cinnamon flavor chewing gum.
One kit cost €15.
12 kits of the this type are €150.

All the components of the Kellogg Company kit assembled.